Welcome to the Mycozone

Links to my Pages:      Poems and Short Stories      Mushroom of the Week      About      Links to my Favorite Sites      Funguys      Artfight Profile :))     

Hi! Long time website enjoyer, first time website maker. I've wanted to become a mycologist ever since I read Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake over quarantine.
I highly reccommend the book if you want to know a whole bunch of fun facts about fungi to annoy friends with.
There are so many unknowns in the world of fungi. I hope to learn everything! but know I must be content with learning just some things until I can be decomposed and become one with the fungal hivemind. Oh well, at least I have something to look forward to.
A formal apology to everyone on mobile, or even just a different sized computer screen. I'm slowly but surely figuring out what a responsive web design even is.

Underrated Fungi

^bro was supposed to be named Clementine but the character limit bested me once again. Egads.

Button for the Mycozone:

Meme of man with boxing gloves saying alright, I'm gonna make a website. The man sits down to drink water saying, damn HTML got hands.

Images shwimages. You should check out the AZ Mushroom society! x

Bust view of cartoonish drawing of an astronaut with mushrooms sprouting from helmet.
Cantharellus minor 544

Cantharellus minor is the smallest chanterelle. They're mycohorrizal (probably) and edible! Want to see their genes? Here ya go!

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